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Fabrice Leroy, Professor of Francophone Studies
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
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sfar so far cover Fabrice Leroy

Bec Doux

bras coupe

Research Interests:

  • Nineteenth and Twentieth Century French Literature
  • Literary Theory and History of Criticism
  • Belgian Francophone Literature
  • Paraliterary Genres (Popular Novel; Detective and Fantastique Novel)
  • Visual Studies (Graphic Novels and Comic Strips)
  • Francophone Louisiana
  • Modern Poetry and Poetics

Selected recent publications:

Books & Book-Length Journal Issues:

Leroy, Fabrice. Sfar So Far: Identity, History, Fantasy, and Mimesis in Joann Sfar’s Graphic Novels. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2014. 303 p.

Leroy, Fabrice, & Barry Ancelet, eds. Tout Bec Doux. The Complete Cajun Comics of Ken Meaux and Earl Comeaux. Lafayette: University of Louisiana Press, 2011.

Leroy, Fabrice & Vittorio Frigerio, eds. Géographies du Fantastique. Numéro spécial de la revue Études Francophones 23.1 & 2 (Fall & Spring 2008). 212 p.

Leroy, Fabrice, ed. Bras Coupé et autres récit louisianais. By Louis-Armand Garreau. Shreveport: Éditions Tintamarre, 2007.

Leroy, Fabrice & Adelaide Russo, eds. La Bande dessinée belge. Numéro spécial de la revue Études Francophones 20.1 (Spring 2005). 192 p.

Leroy, Fabrice & R.-J. Berg. Littérature Française: Textes et Contextes, Tome 2. Fort Worth: Holt, Rinehart and Winston/Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1997, 752 p. Second edition by Wiley & Sons.

Book Chapters and Articles in Scholarly Journals

Leroy, Fabrice.  “Jeux sans frontières: politique et représentation dans La Frontière invisible.” Neuvième Art 2.0. Dossier Schuiten & Peeters (December 2014).

———. “On Exactitude in Modeling: Mimesis and Meta-Image in Dolorès by Anne Baltus, François Schuiten, and Benoît Peeters.” Taban, Carla (ed.). Meta- and Inter-Images in Contemporary Visual Art and Culture. Leuven: University of Leuven Press, 2013: 331-348.

———. “Une tragédie de détails: l’architecture de l’infra-ordinaire dans les Building Stories de Chris Ware.” Belloi, Livio, & Maud Hagelstein (eds.). La Mécanique du détail: approches transversales. Lyon: ENS Editions, 2013: 229-246.

———.  “On Rewriting Hemingway: Inside Joann Sfar’s Intertextual Web.” Comics Forum (February 28, 2013).

———. “Painting the Painter: Meta-Representation and Magic Realism in Joann Sfar’s Chagall en Russie.” European Comic Art 5.2 (Winter 2012): 8-22.

———. “Le fantastique et son énonciataire: figures de l’indicible et sortilèges de la narration dans Les sept châteaux du roi de la mer et Dürer l’idiot de Jean Ray. Belphégor: Littérature Populaire et Culture Médiatique 10.2 (August 2011).

———.  “Joann Sfar Conjures Marc Chagall: The Politics of Visual Representation in The Rabbi's Cat.European Comic Art 4.1 (Spring 2011): 39-57.

———. “Yves Chaland and Luc Cornillon’s rewriting of classical Belgian comics in Captivant: From graphic homage to implicit criticism.” International Journal of Comic Art 12.2/3 (Fall 2010): 2-24.

———. “'Is there any boudin on the moon?' Depicting Cajun ethnicity in Bec Doux et ses amis.” European Comic Art 1.2 (December 2008).

———. “De la bande dessinée comme mosaïque: Calypso de Baltus et Peeters.” Relief 2.3 (Autumn 2008).

———. “Le scandale Papon en images: l’exception de Pierre La Police ou l’art de l’anti-caricature.” Contemporary French and Francophone Studies/Sites 12.3 & 4 (August 2008).

———. “Games Without Frontiers: The Representation of Politics and the Politics of Representation in Schuiten and Peeters’ La Frontière invisible.” McKinney, Mark (Ed.) History and Politics in French-Language Comics. Oxford: The University of Mississippi Press, 2008.

———. “Auto-exotisme, auto-érotisme: Enonciations paradoxales de Marseille dans les romans de Jean-Claude Izzo.” Russo, Adelaide & Simon Harel (Eds.). Lieux Propices. Presses de l’Université Laval, 2005: 231-239.

——— & Belloi, Livio. “The Cartoonist as Iconoclast: Flaubertian Irony and Media Parody in Pierre La Police’s Comics.” The International Journal of Comic Art 6:2 (Fall 2004): 222-237.

——— “L’étendue et la filiation dans Le Chercheur d’or et La Quarantaine de J.M.G. Le Clézio.”
Dalhousie French Studies (Spring 2004): 91-100.

———. “The Detective Hero and the Œdipus Narrative: Family Dysfunction and Crime in Maigret tend un piège.” The Image of the Hero in Literature, Media, and Society: Selected Papers from the Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery’s 2004 Conference (Spring 2004): 460-468.

———. “Resignifying the French city: Jean Claude Izzo’s ‘hard-boiled’ Marseille.” The Image of the City in Literature, Media, and Society: Selected Papers from the Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery’s 2003 Conference (Spring 2003): 174-179.

———. “Absent-mindedness, Mustaches, and the Cold War: The Image of Science in Hergé’s Professor Calculus and Franquin’s Count of Champignac.” International Journal of Comic Art 4:1 (Spring 2002): 205-217.

———. “Le Miss Sacripant d’Elstir. Sémiotique picturale et ambivalence narrative chez
 Proust.” Romance Notes, Volume XL, Number 2 (Winter 2000): 123-134.

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Department of Modern Languages
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Last updated: 12 June 2015