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TechGuide Initiative: Technical Support and Technology

Project Description
Integration Support for FacultyThe TechGuide program was developed out of a need for a technical support and integration infrastructure in the College of Education at UL Lafayette. The objectives of the TechGuide program are to: provide technical support to students, faculty, and staff in the College of Education, provide technology integration support to faculty and students, provide support to help maintain the College of Education web site, provide graduate students an opportunity to be specially trained in technology integration, networking, Macintosh troubleshooting, Windows troubleshooting, and provide graduate students an opportunity to be on the cutting edge in the use of technology in education. Graduate students are selected to enter the TechGuide program and or provided special training on technology integration and technical support.

Responsibilities: Conception of idea, development of program, training/management of graduate students.

Status: Fully functioning with six graduate assistants participating in the program.

Doug Williams, College of Education, University of Louisiana at Lafayette,
PO Box 42051, Lafayette LA 70504

337.482.6412 (Office) | 337.482.1120 (Fax) |