Here we present the results of benchmarking SWAMPRA.FOR against the Range-dependent Acoustic Model (RAM) by Collins. The benchmark problem contains range-independent bathymetry and a sound speed profile for Gulf water which varies with depth. The sound speed profile for three types of water in Mexican Gulf was obtained from Ocean Acoustic Library and it is shown on Fig. 1.


The receiver depth and the source depth was 900m, test frequencies were 500 Hz and 1000 Hz.

Fig.2 and 3 show plots of the transmission loss versus range obtained with SWAMP and RAM.

The input file SWAMPRA.IN for frequency 500 Hz was:


1 2025.0 2025.0 900.0 900.0 500.0 ! nwhat,h, hhh, hs, hr, freq

1.0  1.8  1600.0  0.35         ! rho0, rho1, c11, alpha

75 500000.0 500000.0 500000.0   ! dh(mult.r), rstart, rall, rend

500.0 100.0 500.0 .5      ! rrr1 delrm delrs DMS accuracy par.


% Sound speed profile: depth, sound speed %


-1  -1                       ! Terminate with -1 –1




To read the description of each parameter go here:

User manual for "SWAMP-1 CW propagation"                                                                                                                                                         





The input file RAM.IN for RAM for frequency 500 Hz was:                                                                 


range-independent example

500.0 900.0 900.0           freq zs zr

500000.0 500.0 2          rmax dr ndr

4000.0 2.0 1 2025.0       zmax dz ndz zmplt

1500.0 8 1 0.0           c0 np ns rs

0.0 2025.0                rb zb

500000.0 2025.0

-1 –1


% Sound speed profile: depth, sound speed %


-1 -1

0.0 1600.0               z cb

-1 -1

0.0 1.8                  z rhob

-1 -1                                                                                                               

3900.0 0.5                z attn                                                                                                                                          

4000.0 20.0

-1 –1                                                                                                    Fig.2                                                                                  Fig.3