Revised Edition

Barron Wells
Nelda Spinks
The University of southwestern Louisiana

ISBN 0-87393-379

Study Guide
(ISBN 0-87393- 510-1)
and Instructor's Manual
This text is designed to serve a two-fold purpose. One purpose (researching) is to help future managers and present managers to develop those skills that are necessary to gather valid information to serve as a basis for managerial decisions. The other purpose (reporting) is to help these managers to develop those skills that are necessary to transfer information gathered to ultimate decision- makers in forms and formats that readily can be used by these managerial decision-makers.

Managerial decisions are formed from three broad bases. The first basis is the training held by these managers. The second basis is the previous experiences of these managers. The third basis is valid information. No matter how good the training held by managers and no matter how good the past experiences of managers, their decisions will not be as good as they could be if they do not have access to good, valid information. Therefore, one major focus of this book is on the collection of good, valid information that can be used as a basis for managerial decisions.

Most persons who gather information are not the persons who make the ultimate decisions. From the opposite point of view, most decision-makers do not gather their own information; they delegate this tasks to others. For this reason, information must be transferred from those who have gathered it to those who will use it to help make their decisions. In addition, this information must be transferred in forms and formats that can be understood easily and clearly by those who will make the decisions. Therefore, another major focus of this book is on the preparation of business reports that can be used to transfer good, valid information from those who have gathered it to those who can use it as a basis for managerial decisions.

The distinctive feature of this text that sets it apart from others in the field is its focus on gathering information to serve as a basis for managerial decisions and providing this information to managers in forms and formats that they quickly and easily can understand and use as a basis for their decisions.

Contents Include
1. The Role and Nature of Business Reseaching and Reporting
2. Research Proposals/Research Design
3. Gathering, Organizing and Presenting Secondary Data
4. Gathering Primary Data
5. Refining and Administering Data Gathering Instruments and Sampling Methods
6. Tabulating and Presenting
7. Analyzing Data, Drawing Conclusions, and Making Recommendations
8. Written Reporting
9. Oral Reporting

Appendix A: Informal Business Report
Appendix B: Formal Business Report