ENGL 365: Technical Writing
(Spring 2003)

Lydia Whitt Rice, Instructor
258 Griffin Hall; MWF 9:00-11:00, TTR 12:30-2:00 (and by appointment)
Section 011; TTR 11:00-12:15, 204 Griffin Hall
Section 013; TTR 2:00-3:15, 303 Griffin Hall

Required Text: Technical Writing: Process and Product (Fourth Edition)

Class Policies

  • The assignments on the syllabus are subject to change during the semester. The most current versions of the syllabus assignments will be available on this Website. You are responsible for keeping up with the assignments posted on the Website.

  • Assignments are due on the dates specified on the syllabus; if a due date changes, that change will be noted on the Website. If you have a problem meeting a deadline, you must discuss it with me BEFORE the due date. Otherwise all late assignments will be penalized 1/2 letter grade per day.

  • All students are responsible for any classes they miss. If you miss a class, you are responsible for contacting someone in the class to get any missed notes or assignments.


  • You are allowed 3 absences from class; after the 3rd absence, your final average can be lowered 1/2 letter grade per absence.

  • You are expected to arrive on time; excessive tardiness will be considered absences.

Preparation and Participation:

  • You are expected to arrive for each class having read the assignment on the syllabus for that day. You are expected to be able to answer questions about the readings and participate intelligently in class discussions about them. You are also expected to bring any materials necessary for the day's assignments (books, notes, drafts, etc.).

  • For days on which workshops are scheduled, you are expected to participate actively in your group's assignment. If you fail to participate, you will be asked to leave (and will be counted absent).

  • You are expected to be courteous and attentive during class. This means not talking with your classmates or working on other projects (newspapers, homework, etc) during lectures. If you bring a cell phone, it must be turned off during class.

  • Coming to class unprepared, failing to participate in class discussions/workshops, or disrupting class is not acceptable and will result in a low class participation grade.

Academic Honesty:

  • All students are expected to adhere to the UL Academic Honesty Policy. This includes doing your own work both inside and outside of class. Failure to adhere to this policy will result in a grade of F on the assignment in question, and possibly an automatic F for the course.

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Daily Schedule of Assignments

Tuesday Thursday
  • Introduction to ENGL365

  • Discussion of Syllabus
  • Interview Workshop

  • Ch. 1 "An Introduction to Technical Writing" (2-9)
  • Writing Workshop for Introductions

  • Introductions
  • Turn in Written Introductions

  • Ch. 2 "Producing the Product" (11-25)
  • "Grammar" and "Punctuation" (513-29)

  • Ch. 15 "The Summary" (407-17)
  • Receive Specifications for Writing Assignment #1

  • "Clarity" (26-42)

  • "Organization" and "Ethics" (42-54)

  • "Mechanics and Spelling" (529-37)
  • Rough Draft of WA#1 Due (Revision Workshop)

  • Ch. 4 "Audience Recognition and Involvement" (62-90)
  • Final Draft of WA#1 Due (Proofing Workshop)

  • Ch. 5 "Memos" (98-122)

  • Ch. 6 "Letters" (123-66)
  • Receive Specifications for Writing Assignment #2


Mardi Gras, No Class

  • Ch. 8 "Document Design" (197-212)
  • Ch. 7 "The Job Search" (171-93)
  • Rough Draft of WA#2 Due (Revision Workshop)
  • Final Draft of WA#2 Due (Proofing Workshop)
  • Receive Specifications for WA#3 and Begin Research
  • Style Workshop

  • Conferences for WA#3 (No Class)

  • Conferences for WA#3 (No Class)

  • Ch. 9 "Graphics" (215-40)
  • Final Draft of WA3# Due
  • Chapter 11 "Technical Descriptions" (270-86)

  • Ch. 12 "Instructions and User's Manuals" (289-340)
  • Receive Specifications for WA#4

  • Ch. 10 "Flyers, Brochures and Newsletters" (244-66)

  • Ch. 18 "Oral Presentations" (494-510)
  • Rough Draft of WA#4 Due (Revision Workshop)
  • Receive Specifications and Time Slots for Final Project
  • Ch. 14 "Research" (386-405)
  • Final Draft of WA#4 Due (Proofing Workshop)
  • Ch. 16 "Reports" (419-59)


Easter Break, No Class

Easter Break, No Class
  • Oral Presentations

May 1
  • Oral Presentations
  • Oral Presentations
  • Oral Presentations

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Assignments and Grades

AssignmentDescriptionPercentage of Final Grade
Writing Assignment #1Interview/Research Summary10%
Writing Assignment #2Letter of Inquiry or Complaint20%
Writing Assignment #3Job Application Packet20%
Writing Assignment #4 User Instructions20%
Final ProjectOral Presentation with Handout20%
Homework/Class ParticipationAssignment Preparation & Workshop Performance10%

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Specifications for Assignments

Detailed specifications for each of the five writing assignments will be posted as they are announced in class during the semester.

Writing Assignment #1: Writing in the Professions (Research)

Part I: Contact someone who currently works (or has recently worked) in your desired occupation and discuss with her the writing involved her job. How much time per week does she spend writing? How many and what kinds of documents is she expected to produce? For whom are these documents produced (co-workers?, clients?, the government?)? Does she work alone on these documents or does she collaborate? If she does collaborative writing, with whom does she work? O n what criteria is her writing evaluated, and by whom is it evaluated? How important are her writing skills to her overall success in her career? After gathering your information, write a brief summary of the information your gather.

Part II: Find a journal article (published within the last 5 years) concerning recent trends in the profession for which you are preparing yourself at UL. (If you cannot locate such an article, just chose any article published within the last 5 years that is related to an area of your field that you are particularly interested in.) Then, following the guidelines in Chapter 15 of Technical Writing: Process and Product, write a summary of that article.

Your final document, due 20 February, should include:

  1. final draft of the two summaries, each with a descriptive heading
  2. prewriting/interview notes for part I (attached)
  3. annotated copy of the journal article (attached)

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