ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c Name: FinitePs.for c c This program computes the powers of an unconditional test for testing the c difference between proportions in finite populations. c c INPUT: c iside = side of the test; 1 for right-sided; 2 for two-sided c alpha = nominal level of the test; takes values in (0, 0.5) c loti = lot size of the ith lot, i=1,2 c pi = proportion of defective items in the ith lot, i=1,2 c ni = sample size from the ith lot, i=1,2 c c OUTPUT: c power = power of the test c c Reference: Krishnamoorthy, K. and Thomson, J. (2002) Hypothesis testing about proportions c in two finite populations. The American Statistician, 56, 215-222. ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc implicit doubleprecision (a-h,o-z) integer n1, lot1, n2, lot2 common //iside 1 print *,'Enter 1 for right-tail test or' print *,' 2 for two-tail test' print *,' ' read *, iside if (iside .ne. 1 .and. iside .ne. 2) then goto 1 end if 2 print *,'Enter the level of the test; level must be in (0, 0.5)' read *, alpha if(alpha .ge. 0.5) goto 2 print *,' ' 3 print *,'Enter the population proportions p1 and p2' read *, p1, p2 if(p1 .le. 0.0d0 .or. p1 .ge. 1.0d0 .or. & p2 .le. 0.0d0 .or. p2 .ge. 1.0d0) then print *, '0 < p1 < 1, 0 < p2 < 1' goto 3 end if print *,' ' if(iside .eq. 1) then if(p1 .lt. p2) then print*,'For the right-tail test p1 must be > p2' goto 3 end if end if print *,'Enter the sizes of the lot1 and lot2' read *, lot1, lot2 print *,' ' 4 print *,'Enter the sample sizes n1 and n2' read *, n1, n2 if(n1 .le. 0.0 .or. n1 .ge. lot1 .or. n2 .le. 0.0 .or. & then print *, '0 < n1 < lot1, 0 < n2 < lot2' goto 4 end if print *,' ' call etest(n1, p1, lot1, n2, p2, lot2, alpha, power) print *, 'Power of the E-test = ',power end cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c Program for computing the power of the E-test c In the first subroutine, the sum over k1 is carried out cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc subroutine etest(n1, p1, lot1, n2, p2, lot2, alpha, power) implicit doubleprecision(a-h,o-z) integer lot1, m1, n1, lot2, m2, n2 integer L1, IU1, L2, IU2 c setup the range for k1 and k2 m1 = int(p1*lot1) m2 = int(p2*lot2) L1 = max(0, m1-lot1+n1) IU1 = min(n1,m1) L2 = max(0, m2-lot2+n2) IU2 = min(n2,m2) c determine the mode for summing over k1 and k2 k1mode = int((n1+1.0d0)*(m1+1.0)/(lot1+2.0d0)) k2mode = int((n2+1.0d0)*(m2+1.0)/(lot2+2.0d0)) c finite population correction fc1 = (lot1-n1)/(lot1-1.0d0)/n1 fc2 = (lot2-n2)/(lot2-1.0d0)/n2 c computing the probability at the k1mode pk1mode = hyprob(k1mode, n1, m1, lot1) pk1 = pk1mode c computing the probability at the k2mode pk2mode = hyprob(k2mode, n2, m2, lot2) power = 0.0d0 c summing over k1 (forward) do k1 = k1mode, IU1 if(pk1 .lt. 1.0d-14) goto 3 call sumk2(k1, n1, lot1, pk1, fc1, k2mode, n2, m2, lot2, & pk2mode, fc2, L2, IU2, alpha, power) c compute the probability using the forwrad recurrence relation pk1 = (n1-k1)*(m1-k1)*pk1/((k1+1.0d0)*(lot1-m1-n1+k1+1.0d0)) end do c initializing the probablity for backward iteration 3 k1 = k1mode-1 pk1 = pk1mode pk1 = k1mode*(lot1-m1-n1+k1mode)*pk1 & /((n1-k1mode+1.0d0)*(m1-k1mode+1.0d0)) do k1 = k1mode-1, L1, -1 if(pk1 .lt. 1.0d-14) return c call sumk2(k1, n1, lot1, pk1, fc1, k2mode, n2, m2, lot2, & pk2mode, fc2, L2, IU2, alpha, power) c compute the probability using the backward recurrence relation pk1 = k1*(lot1-m1-n1+k1)*pk1/((n1-k1+1.0d0)*(m1-k1+1.0d0)) end do end cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c Here, we carry out the sum over k2 to compute the power of the E-test c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc subroutine sumk2(k1, n1, lot1, pk1, fc1, k2mode, n2, m2, lot2, & pk2mode, fc2, L2, IU2, alpha, power) implicit doubleprecision(a-h,o-z) integer IUi1, IUi2, Li1, Li2, IU2, L2, k1, n1, m1, lot1 integer k2mode, n2, m2, lot2 c computing the probability at the k2mode pk2 = pk2mode do k2 = k2mode, IU2 if(pk2 .lt. 1.0d-14) goto 2 phatk1 = 1.0d0*k1/n1 phatk2 = 1.0d0*k2/n2 phat = 1.0*(k1+k2)/(n1+n2) qhat=1.0-phat m1hat = int((lot1)*phat) m2hat = int((lot2)*phat) if(k1+k2 .eq. 0 .or. k1+k2 .eq. n1+n2) then t_k1k2 = 0.0d0 else t_k1k2 = (phatk1-phatk2)/sqrt((fc1+fc2)*phat*qhat) end if Li1 = max(0, m1hat-lot1+n1) IUi1 = min(n1,m1hat) Li2 = max(0, m2hat-lot2+n2) IUi2 = min(n2,m2hat) call sumi1(n1, lot1, m1hat, Li1, IUi1, fc1, n2, lot2, m2hat, & Li2, IUi2, fc2, t_k1k2, pvalue) if(pvalue .le. alpha) power = power + pk1*pk2 pk2 = (n2-k2)*(m2-k2)*pk2/((k2+1.0d0)*(lot2-m2-n2+k2+1.0d0)) end do c sum over k2 backward 2 pk2 = pk2mode k2 = k2mode-1 pk2 = k2mode*(lot2-m2-n2+k2mode)*pk2 & /((n2-k2mode+1.0d0)*(m2-k2mode+1.0d0)) do k2 = k2mode-1, L2, -1 if(pk2 .lt. 1.0d-14) return phatk1 = 1.0d0*k1/n1 phatk2 = 1.0d0*k2/n2 phat = 1.0d0*(k1+k2)/(n1+n2) qhat=1.0d0-phat c estimte the number of defs in the lots m1hat = int((lot1)*phat) m2hat = int((lot2)*phat) c compute the observed value of the std difference if(k1+k2 .eq. 0 .or. k1+k2 .eq. n1+n2) then t_k1k2 = 0.0d0 else t_k1k2 = (phatk1-phatk2)/sqrt((fc1+fc2)*phat*qhat) end if Li1 = max(0, m1hat-lot1+n1) IUi1 = min(n1,m1hat) Li2 = max(0, m2hat-lot2+n2) IUi2 = min(n2,m2hat) call sumi1(n1, lot1, m1hat, Li1, IUi1, fc1, n2, lot2, m2hat, & Li2, IUi2, fc2, t_k1k2, pvalue) if(pvalue .le. alpha) power = power + pk1*pk2 pk2 = k2*(lot2-m2-n2+k2)*pk2/((n2-k2+1.0d0)*(m2-k2+1.0d0)) end do end cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c Here, we carry out the sum over i1 to compute the power of the E-test c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc subroutine sumi1(n1, lot1, m1hat, Li1, IUi1, fc1, n2, lot2, m2hat, & Li2, IUi2, fc2, t_k1k2, pvalue) implicit doubleprecision(a-h,o-z) integer Li1, Li2, IUi1, IUi2, lot1, lot2, m1hat, m2hat integer n1, n2 pvalue = 0.0d0 i1mode = int((n1+1.0d0)*(m1hat+1.0d0)/(lot1+2.0d0)) i2mode = int((n2+1.0d0)*(m2hat+1.0d0)/(lot2+2.0d0)) pi1mode = hyprob(i1mode, n1, m1hat, lot1) pi1 = pi1mode pi2mode = hyprob(i2mode, n2, m2hat, lot2) do i1 = i1mode, IUi1 if(pi1 .lt. 1.0d-14) goto 1 call sumi2(n1, fc1, n2, lot2, m2hat, fc2, Li2, IUi2, & t_k1k2, i1, pi1, i2mode, pi2mode, pvalue) pi1 = (n1-i1)*(m1hat-i1)*pi1/((i1+1.0d0)*(lot1-m1hat-n1+i1+1.0d0)) end do 1 i1 = i1mode-1 pi1 = pi1mode pi1 = i1mode*(lot1-m1hat-n1+i1mode)*pi1 & /((n1-i1mode+1.0d0)*(m1hat-i1mode+1.0d0)) do i1 = i1mode-1, Li1, -1 if(pi1 .lt. 1.0d-14) return call sumi2(n1, fc1, n2, lot2, m2hat, fc2, Li2, IUi2, & t_k1k2, i1, pi1, i2mode, pi2mode, pvalue) pi1 = i1*(lot1-m1hat-n1+i1)*pi1/((n1-i1+1.0d0)*(m1hat-i1+1.0d0)) end do end cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c Here, we carry out the sum over i2 to compute the power of the E-test c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc subroutine sumi2(n1, fc1, n2, lot2, m2hat, fc2, Li2, & IUi2, t_k1k2, i1, pi1, i2mode, pi2mode, pvalue) implicit doubleprecision(a-h,o-z) c integer Li2, IUi2 common //iside c pi2 = pi2mode c do i2 = i2mode, IUi2 if(pi2 .lt. 1.0d-14) goto 1 phati1 = 1.0d0*i1/n1 phati2 = 1.0d0*i2/n2 phati = 1.0d0*(i1+i2)/(n1+n2) qhati = 1.0d0-phati if(i1+i2 .eq. 0 .or. i1+i2 .eq. n1+n2) then t_i1i2 = 0.0d0 else t_i1i2 = (phati1-phati2)/sqrt((fc1+fc2)*phati*qhati) end if if(iside .eq. 1) then if(t_i1i2 .ge. t_k1k2) pvalue = pvalue + pi1*pi2 else if(dabs(t_i1i2) .ge. dabs(t_k1k2)) pvalue = pvalue + pi1*pi2 end if pi2 = (n2-i2)*(m2hat-i2)*pi2/((i2+1.0d0)*(lot2-m2hat-n2+i2+1.0d0)) end do c 1 i2 = i2mode-1 pi2 = pi2mode pi2 = i2mode*(lot2-m2hat-n2+i2mode)*pi2 & /((n2-i2mode+1.0d0)*(m2hat-i2mode+1.0d0)) do i2 = i2mode-1, Li2, -1 if(pi2 .lt. 1.0d-14) return phati1 = 1.0d0*i1/n1 phati2 = 1.0d0*i2/n2 phati = 1.0d0*(i1+i2)/(n1+n2) qhati = 1.0d0-phati if(i1+i2 .eq. 0 .or. i1+i2 .eq. n1+n2) then t_i1i2 = 0.0d0 else t_i1i2 = (phati1-phati2)/sqrt((fc1+fc2)*phati*qhati) end if if(iside .eq. 1) then if(t_i1i2 .ge. t_k1k2) pvalue = pvalue + pi1*pi2 else if(dabs(t_i1i2) .ge. dabs(t_k1k2)) pvalue = pvalue + pi1*pi2 end if pi2 = i2*(lot2-m2hat-n2+i2)*pi2/((n2-i2+1.0d0)*(m2hat-i2+1.0d0)) end do end ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c END: of the program for computing the power of the E-test c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c This program computes the P(X = k), where X is a hypergeometric random c variable with lot size = lot, # of defective items = m, sample size = n c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc double precision function hyprob(k, n, m, lot) implicit doubleprecision(a-h,o-z) integer L, U L = max(0, m-lot+n) U = min(n,m) if(k .lt. L .or. k .gt. U) then hyprob = 0.0d0 return end if ek = k en = n em = m elot = lot term1 = alng(em+1.0d0)-alng(ek+1.0d0)-alng(em-ek+1.0d0) term2 = alng(elot-em+1.0d0)-alng(en-ek+1.0d0) & -alng(elot-em-en+ek+1.0d0) term3 = alng(elot+1.0d0)-alng(en+1.0d0)-alng(elot-en+1.0d0) hyprob = dexp(term1+term2-term3) end ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c Logarithmic gamma function = alng(x), x > 0 c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc double precision function alng(x) implicit doubleprecision (a-h, o-z) double precision b(8) logical indx data b/8.33333333333333d-2, 3.33333333333333d-2, + 2.52380952380952d-1, 5.25606469002695d-1, + 1.01152306812684d0, 1.51747364915329d0, + 2.26948897420496d0, 3.00991738325940d0/ if(x .lt. 8.0d0) then xx = x + 8.0d0 indx = .true. else indx = .false. xx = x end if c fterm = (xx-0.5d0)*dlog(xx) - xx + 9.1893853320467d-1 sum = b(1)/(xx+b(2)/(xx+b(3)/(xx+b(4)/(xx+b(5)/(xx+b(6) +/(xx+b(7)/(xx+b(8)))))))) alng = sum + fterm if(indx) alng = alng-dlog(x+7.0d0)-dlog(x+6.0d0)-dlog + (x+5.0d0)-dlog(x+4.0d0)-dlog(x+3.0d0)-dlog(x+2.0d0) + -dlog(x+1.0d0)-dlog(x) end