About me . . .

Look at my picture, please. Do you think I look mentally challenged? If you think so, you must have been brainwashed by Mad magazine, which has always given me very bad press. I know, I am gat toothed and my left eye sort of droops, but there is no reason to make fun of me. I grew up in a very poor family, and we couldn't afford what orthodontists would have charged to fix my teeth. As for my drooping eye, when I was just ten years old, I developed Bell's palsy, which left a permanent sag to the left side of my face. I grant you, my ears are kind of big, but if you think mine are Dumboish, you should see my sister Bertha's ears! Anyway, making fun of me is not a politically correct thing to do. So you just shouldn't do it.

Now here is the skinny about me. I am a physics major at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, and in one more semester I will earn my B.S. (magna cum laude!). Thereafter I plan to go to graduate school at M.I.T. or Berkeley and work on a Ph.D. with a concentration in nuclear physics.

When I am not in class or at the library, you can probably find me at Red's, where I work out in my spare time. I love movies, chess, rap, zydeco, pumping iron, and skeet shooting. I also like to dance, especially to hot Cajun fiddle music. I don't fuss my girlfriend much, even though she's sort of on the chubby side and doesn't always play with a full deck. Anyway, her major is English, and that's all I will say about that.

In case you wondered, my favorite film is Forrest Gump, which I have seen 79 times.