Tightly Bound New Comets More Likely to be Seen

Before Reaching Perihelion Minimum


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List of Viewgraphs

1. Title

2. Overview of Talk

3. Illustration of the change in angular momentum of a single Oort cloud comet due to the galactic disk tide.

4. The tidal characteristic sign, S.

5. The concepts of the "observable zone" and the "loss cylinder", surrounded by the filled angular momentum space of comets receding from the planetary region on their prior orbit.

6. The uniform translation of angular momentum phase space points for a large tidal torque completely filling the observable region.

7. The uniform translation of angular momentum phase space points for a small tidal torque leaving the observable region empty.

8. The uniform translation of angular momentum phase space points for an intermediate strength tidal torque leaving the observable region partially flled.

9. Observations and Conclusions

(In reserve) 10. The distribution in original semimajor axis, a, and S showing the basis for the statistic that small a correlates with S=-1.

(In reserve) 11. The distribution in perihelion distance, q, and S showing the basis for the statistic that large q correlates with S=-1.

(In reserve) 12. Scatter of new class 1A comet aphelia directions in galactic coordinates.

(In reserve) 13. Distribution in galactic latitude, sin(B), illustrating the predicted deficiencies along the galactic equator and poles. This is historically the first observational evidence that the galactic tide dominates in making Oort cloud comets observable.

Author: John J. Matese

Email: matese@louisiana.edu

Home Page: http://www.ucs.louisiana.edu/~jjm9638/matese.html