Mapping Anaconda Trials

Initial Autonomous Tests — Summer 2014

In the maps below, the green marker represents the starting location. The red marker represents the target location. For the single waypoint trials, there are 10 evenly time-spaced markers. For trails with multiple waypoints, there is a blue marker at each waypoint. In either case, mousing over the point with give more information. The start and target location makers also provide their GPS coordinates. There are circles around some points; they represent a buffer zone. When that zone was reached for a waypoint, the Anaconda began moving toward the next waypoint. When the zone of the final waypoint was reached, the Anaconda stopped.

The maps from July are slightly different. You can click on any part of the path to get information about the state of the Anaconda at that point in time. The green circle represents the starting location, the red circle is the end location, and the white circuits represent waypoints. You can also click on any of these to get information about it.