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Home Page


This web site contains two pages in addition to the Home page.

I'm calling them Assignment 1 and Assignment 2 for the moment.


Searchable Index: Playwright|Play|Date|Venue

Edited 2 September 2011. Length of file: 622 pages.

This searchable index lists all playwrights of plays named in the playbills included in Theatre in Dublin, 1745–1820: A Calendar of Performances, the play titles, as well as the dates and venues of performance. The authorship of many plays staged during this era is unknown or questionable; consequently, the user is strongly advised to consult the specific performance in the Calendar of Performances for further information about the authorship of plays. To locate an entry (e.g., 1811 02 02|RH denotes the Royal Hibernian Theatre performance of 2 February 1811), the user should refer to the appropriate volume of the Calendar (see file listing Table of Contents of the Calendar).

For other references to these playwrights see the General Index to the Calendar in volume 6 as well as other searchable indexes, such as Play|Title|Date|Venue.

Initial articles in play titles have been omitted.

For abbreviations see file entitled Abbreviations Used in the Searchable Indexes of Theatre in Dublin, 1745–1820: A Calendar of Performances.

Any errors and omissions in these indexes may be reported to: here insert an anonymous link to my email address.