Unit II Review Sheet (Goes With Chapter 2) (Note: Terms are arranged in order of appearance in the readings. Terms with an asterisk were also mentioned in lecture.) *Ivan Pavlov *classical conditioning *experimental excitation *experimental extinction *neutral stimulus *unconditioned stimulus (UCS) *unconditioned response (UCR) *conditioned stimulus (CS) *conditioned response (CR) *learned reflex centralist *activation/excitation *discrimination conditioning *generalization *CS+ CS- *contrasts *inhibition *spontaneous recovery *disinhibition *relearning *savings score learning-to-learn *positive induction *negative induction *higher-order conditioning *first-order conditioning *second-order conditioning excitatory-appetitive conditioning excitatory-aversive conditioning *inhibitory conditioning *compound conditioning *learned taste aversions *physical response *emotional response danger signal suppression ratio *summation/retardation tests *simple conditioning *learning/acquisition curve *negatively-accelerated/diminishing returns curve *asymptote *nictitating membrane response *human eyeblink *CER paradigm catch/test trials training trials *amplitude *latency *frequency/probability of occurrence presence of interactions Schneiderman, Fuentes, & Gormezano criterion maximum associative strength appetitive behavior safety signal avoidance behavior independent variables dependent variables *control group *experimental group *simultaneous conditioning *forwards (delayed) conditioning *backwards conditioning *trace conditioning temporal conditioning McAllister working memory rehearsal inter-trial interval (ITI) isolation effect Gibbon, Baldock, Locurto, Gold, & Terrace spacing effect massed practice spaced practice explicitly unpaired procedure *Hinson and Siegel *UCS intensity effect *Rescorla & Wagner *Grice & Hunter *positive contrast *negative contrast Kamin conditioned suppressor *CS salience effect signal value *contingency *contiguity Rescorla *positive correlation *negative correlation *zero correlation inhibition of aversion selectivity *stimulus substitution theory Hull *antagonistic conditioning *Obrist, Sutterer, & Howard *drug tolerance *overdose Siegel opponent process theory *UCS pre-exposure effect *latent inhibition contextual conditioning Hinson surprising UCS *habituation Anderson, O'Farrell, Formica, & Caponegri *S-S conditioning *Rizley & Rescorla *overshadowing *blocking *redundancy *unblocking *Dickinson, Hall, & Mackintosh occasion setting Balaz, Capra, Hartl, & Miller configural conditioning XOR problem *belongingness *long-delay learning *familiarity interactions with the CS-UCS interval potentiation *Garcia & Koelling *Wilcoxin, Dragoin, & Kral Garcia, Ervin, & Koelling Kalat & Rozin Kalat learned safety *one-trial learning Wagner Krane & Wagner Bond observational learning *S-S Learning View *sensory preconditioning devaluation Holland & Rescorla response prevention procedure Light & Gantt *Holland S-R Learning View Aplysia *learning of relations among events And also from lectures: Peckham & Peckham orienting reflex dishabituation sensitization pairings mediated learning