Unit VI Review Sheet (Note: Terms are arranged in order of appearance in the readings. Terms with an asterisk were also mentioned in lecture. Some of these overlap with previous and/or subsequent units.) *Extinction *resistance to extinction *spontaneous recovery *generalization *gradient of inhibition *relearning *Roberts punishment training omission training contingency removal *Hull *reactive inhibition *conditioned inhibition *excitation *drive reduction *effective reaction potential *algebraic summation *spacing effect *massed practice *spaced practice *reminiscence effect *Seward & Levy *latent extinction Heyes, Jaldow, & Dawson observational learning *partial RF effect (PREE) *Guthrie *competing R *Baum *Fowler & Miller *Lenderhendler & Baum *Adelman & Maatsch Scavio *Mowrer & Jones *Discrimination Hypothesis Welker & McAuley Tulving principle of encoding specificity Dyal & Sytsma *Humphreys' Paradox reverse PREE Ferster & Skinner *schedule of reinforcement *FR schedule *FI schedule *VR schedule *VI schedule *simple schedule RF density *scallop *post-RF pause *chained schedule *multiple schedule *concurrent schedule DRL schedule DRH schedule *Amsel *Frustration Hypothesis *primary frustration R *Daly *frustration fraction/mediator *Amsel & Roussel *Godbout, Ziff, & Capaldi *Capaldi & Waters *Capaldi *Sequential Hypothesis *Hug *Godbout, Ziff, & Capaldi *Capaldi & Waters *working memory *N-memory (Mn) *N-length *R-memory (Mr) *Principle of N-length Gonzalez & Bitterman *Principle of transitions *Principle of variability *ITR Capaldi, Hart, & Stanley Hill & Spear Pavlik *Hulse *cognitive expectancy theory dynamic expectancy Fountain & Hulse Capaldi, Very, & Davison association learning rule learning Hulse