Unit IV Review Sheet (updated for Fall 2015) (Note: Terms are arranged in order of appearance in the readings. Terms with an asterisk were also mentioned in lecture. Some of these overlap with Unit II terms.) For Test 2, here are the terms you ought to know: *instrumental conditioning *operant conditioning *voluntary behaviors *reinforcer *punisher Watson *Thorndike reflexes *contiguity theory principle of frequency principle of recency *chain Watson & Rayner Little Albert emotional conditioning *puzzle box *insight *trial and error *law of effect *reinforcement theory teleological explanation law of exercise (law of use) *Skinner *law of reinforcement *law of punishment *transituational reinforcement *escape learning *avoidance learning *punishment training *shaping *RF+ *RF- (negative RF) *Negative Punishment *acquisition *Maintenance *contingency *Hammond *autoshaping *Killeen *JS Watson *Seligman & Overmier *cognitive deficit hypothesis *learned helplessness *generalization *gradient of excitation *gradient of inhibition *baseline/operant level *Guttman & Kalish *discriminative stimulus/cue *resistance to extinction *spontaneous recovery *relearning *Bolles *safety signals *danger signals *SSDRs Brown, Martin, & Murrow vicious circle behavior Badia & Culbertson Baida, Culbertson, & Harsh *signaled shock *unsignaled shock *secondary reinforcement *primary reinforcement *Egger & Miller token economy response competition approach-avoidance Fowler & Miller Dollard & Miller approach gradient avoidance gradient conflict point *partial reinforcement effect Roberts *Amsel's Frustration Theory *appetitive/approach learning *omission training *Sheffield Colwill & Rescorla Rescorla Seward & Levy latent extinction gradient of reinforcement Grice *Capaldi *superstitious behavior *Kraeling *Crespi *Trapold & Fowler *Boe & Church *Campbell, Batsche, & Batsche *+/- contrast *learning *performance Thomas *long-delay learning *Garcia & Koelling Lieberman, Davidson, & Thomas *Marker *marking hypothesis D'Amato, Sarafin, & Salmon *Olton *Spence *anticipatory fractional goal response *mediator foraging theory *belongingness *Shettleworth *Seligman *principle of preparedness *prepared/contraprepared responses *Tolman & Honzik *latent learning Butler Bandura observational learning vicarious RF vicarious P Kohn & Dennis imitation McNamara, Long, & Wike *cognitive map Menzel Macfarlane Morris maze Morris *Herrnstein *matching law melioration theory Reynolds Wagner, Logan, Haberlandt, & Price Lawrence & DeRivera relational learning radical behaviorism cognitive expectancy theory operants respondents stimulus control verbal conditioning studies purposive behaviorism cognitions expectancy value valence (And add from the section on autoshaping for Fall 2015: Jenkins & Moore Staddon & Simmelhag terminal vs. interim responses) And also from lectures: organism-environment loop Mowrer's 2-factor theory or avoidance learning problem of foresight functional level physical level operant contingency space Maier freeze hypothesis acquired fear (Miller) principle of distinctiveness principle of recency Welker & McAuley drive level