IX.  Social II: Social Perceptions & Attitudes


            A.  Current Major Approach: Social Perception        

                        1.  Social Perception via Social Schemas


                                    a.  Schemas: Complex Organized Knowledge Packets


                                                i.  Function 1: Categorization


                                                ii.  Function 2: Inferences/Predictions



                                    b.  Costs & Benefits


                                                i.  Advantages: Quick Classification; Preparation to React


                                                ii.  Disadvantage 1: Stereotyping (& Prejudice)


                                                iii.  Disadvantage 2: Self-Fulfilling Prophecy


                                                iv.  Disadvantage 3: False Memories



                        2.  Perceiving Personality                    


                                    a.  Personality: organizations (schemas) of traits


                                    b.  Asch: Central & Peripheral Traits


                                    c.  Providing Relevant Info: The Primacy Effect


                             d.  Spurious Trait Correlations: +/- Halo Effects


                             e.  Group Dynamics


       B.  Social Perception & Attitudes


                        1.  Definition of an Attitude


                                    a.  Emotional Component


                                    b.  Orientation towards an Object



                        2.  Social Schemas: Consistency of Attitudes &



                3.  Cost of Inconsistency: Impetus for Change    



       C.  Two Theories of Change & Inconsistency


                        1.  Heider: Balance Theory


                                    a.  Freedman & Fraser “Auto Safety” Study


                                    b.  Spiro: Reconstructive Memory Study


                             c.  Asch



                        2.  Festinger: Cognitive Dissonance


                                    a.  Festinger’s Original Study


                                    b.  The Stockholm Syndrome


                             c.  Cults & Social Reference Effects


                        3.  McGuire: Inoculation Against Change



       D.  Prejudice & The Authoritarian Personality