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General group theory

  1. J.J. Rotman, Introduction to the Theory of Groups, 4th Edition. GTM 119, Springer-Verlag, 1994.
  2. W.R. Scott, Group Theory. Prentice Hall, 1964.

Varieties of groups and Universal Algebra

  1. George M. Bergman, An Invitation to General Algebra and Universal Constructions. Henry Helson, Publisher, 1998.
  2. Garrett Birkhoff, On the structure of abstract algebras. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 31 (1935), 433-454.
  3. Hanna Neumann, Varieties of Groups. Ergebnisse der Mathematic und ihrer Grenzgebiete, New Series, Vol. 37, Springer-Verlag 1967.
  4. Ruth Rebekka Struik, On nilpotent products of cyclic groups, Canad. J. Math. 12 (1960), 447-462.

Dominions, amalgams and epimorphisms

  1. Graham Higman, Amalgams of p-groups. J. Algebra 1 (1964), 301-305.
  2. J.M. Howie and J.R. Isbell, Epimorphisms and dominions II, J. Algebra 6 (1967), 7-21.
  3. J.R. Isbell, Epimorphisms and dominions in Proc. of the Conference on Categorical Algebra, La Jolla, 1965, S. Eilenberg et al. ed. Lange and Springer, New York, 1966.
  4. Felix Leinen, An amalgamation theorem for soluble groups. Canadian Math. Bull. 39 no. 1 (1987), 9-18.
  5. C. E. Linderholm, A group epimorphism is surjective. Amer. Math. Monthly 77 (1970), 176-177.
  6. Susan McKay, Surjective epimorphisms in classes of groups. Quart. J. Math. Oxford (2) 20 (1969), 87-90.
  7. Arturo Magidin, Absolutely closed nil-2 groups. Algebra Universalis 42 no. 1-2 (1999), 61-77.
  8. Arturo Magidin Amalgamation bases for nil-2 groups of odd exponent. PS version available.
  9. Arturo Magidin Amalgams of nilpotent groups of class two. Submitted, PS Version and PDF Version available.
  10. Arturo Magidin, Dominions in decomposable varieties. Algebra Universalis 43 no. (2-3) (2000), 217-232.
  11. Arturo Magidin, Dominions in finitely generated nilpotent groups. Comm. Algebra 27 no. 9 (1999), 4545-4559.
  12. Arturo Magidin, Dominions in varieties generated by simple groups. Algebra Universalis 48 (2002) 133-143.
  13. Arturo Magidin, Dominions in Varieties of Groups. Ph.D. Thesis, University of California at Berkeley, May 1998.
  14. Arturo Magidin, Dominions in varieties of nilpotent groups. Comm. Algebra 28 no. 3 (2000), 1241-1270.
  15. Arturo Magidin, Nonsurjective epimorphisms in decomposable varieties of groups. Algebra Universalis 48 (2002) 145-150.
  16. Berthold J. Maier, Amalgame nilpotenter Gruppen der Klasse zwei. Publ. Math. Debrecen, 31 (1985), 57-70.
  17. Berthold J. Maier, Amalgame nilpotenter Gruppen der Klasse zwei II. Publ. Math. Debrecen 33 (1986), 43-52.
  18. B.H. Neumann and James Wiegold, On certain embeddability criteria for group amalgams. Pub. Math. Debrecen 9 (1962), 57-64.
  19. Peter M. Neumann, Splitting groups and projectives in varieties of groups. Quart. J. Math. Oxford (2) 18 (1967), 325-332.
  20. D. Saracino, Amalgamation bases for nil-2 group. Algebra Universalis 16 (1983), 47-62.

Capability of groups

  1. Michael R. Bacon and Luise-Charlotte Kappe. On capable p-groups of nilpotency class two. Illinois J. Math. 47 no. 1/2 (2003), pp. 49-62.
  2. Reinhold Baer, Groups with preassigned central and central quotient group, Trans. of the AMS 44 (1938), 387-412.
  3. F. Rudolf Beyl, Ulrich Felgner, and Peter Schmid, On groups occurring as central factor groups, J. Algebra 61 (1979), 161-177.
  4. Graham Ellis, On the capability of groups Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 41 (1998), 487-496.
  5. M. Hall and J.K. Senior, The groups of order 2^n (n<=6), MacMillan and Company, 1964.
  6. P. Hall, The classification of prime-power groups, J. Reine Angew. Math 183 (1940), 130-141.
  7. Arturo Magidin, Capability of nilpotent products of cyclic groups. To appear in Journal of Group Theory. PS and PDF version available.
  8. Arturo Magidin, Capable groups of prime exponent and class two. To appear in Advances in Group Theory Research, NovaScience Publishers Inc. PS and PDF version available.
  9. Arturo Magidin, Capable two generated 2-groups of class two. Submitted. PS and PDF version available.
  10. Arturo Magidin, On the orders of generators of capable p-groups. To appear in Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. PS and PDF version available.
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