You are  the person responsible for the quality of your learning experience in the Nursery School Lab.  You, the person you bring into the lab each week,  have control over many of the variables which  impact your success.  This person must be ready to make the most of the lab hours. Some basic techniques can help you reach this goal.
To how many of these techniques are you willing to adhere?  Give some thought to the investment you make to your learning experience.

1.  I will eat some breakfast before coming to each lab session.  A simple breakfast will do.  Include some carbohydrates for quick energy and some protein for the long and busy wait until lunch.

2.  I will get a good night’s sleep before coming to lab each week.  The lab is a busy and often noisy environment.  Plan your work and study times so that you come to the lab rested and able, physically and mentally, to be a responsible member of the teaching team.

3.  I will take care of myself physically so that illnesses are minimized during the semester.  Good diet, adequate rest, appropriate outdoor clothing, and exercise are basic components to healthy living.  Any time you are in a new social environment your body needs to make adjustments and build up new immunities.  Coming in to the lab with good health and maintaining healthy life habits during the semester will enable you to stay healthy yourself – and avoid exposing the children to illness.

4.  I will find some effective stress-relieving activity and use it throughout the semester. Entering the lab without burdens of stress will allow you to be open to all of the learning opportunities which the lab provides.  It will also help you be a more effective contributor to the teaching team.

5.  I will remember that I have a professional and ethical obligation to the children, the parents, and the UL Lafayette Nursery School to help the staff provide a safe, caring environment for each child in the school throughout my laboratory experience.