Humanities 101:
Advice From My Previous Students

My Previous Students' Advice To You - The Top 10:

1. Always go to class.

"Some of my favorite friends these past three years I met randomly one day in class or somewhere around town."

"Don't be afraid to introduce yourself to your classmates - study groups are a big help."

"Go to class, even if the notes are available on-line, or you have a friend in the class that takes your notes for you. The lectures will help with your understanding of the material."

"Upon entering UL as a freshman, I thought I would have the freedom to show up to class whenever I wanted to. Boy, was I wrong. Skipping class at first is a kind of gamble. You try to see if anyone will notice or care if you didn't show up. You also try to see if you can survive the class. It's just one measly day, right? As a good friend of mine observed, "skipping class is like crack." I got to points during the semester where I would wake up late and not get out of bed and scramble to class because I would not have my grade lowered if I missed one more day. It's really addictive. My advice would be to go to class. No matter how unimportant it will be if you miss a few days, you will be surprised what academic success you can achieve by going to class and, get this, listening and paying attention. So, wake up and go to class."

2. Take good notes in class.

"The advice that has helped me the most during college is, after taking good notes in class, typing them up and studying the printed notes. This has always helped me study for exams."

3. Study early, study often.


"I would never recommend pulling an all-nighter for a test or a paper, because it generally never turns out well."

4. Don't wait until the last minute to ask questions in class or ask your teachers for help if you do not understand something.

"Most of the teachers at UL are extremely willing to talk with students and help them with any problems they have."

5. Make sacrifices.

"I would usually rather go to a movie with a friend than study symbolic logic, but I don't get a grade for watching a movie. Good grades require sacrifices."

"Most of all, enjoy your college experience, but remember that getting a good education is your main priority."

6. Get involved around campus.

"This is a great opportunity to not turn into your parents. I'm sure they are wonderful people, but would you believe me if I told you that diversity is okay and people you did not grow up with aren't all cannibals? It's true! Try and meet someone new and dabble in new ideas."

"There's a list of all the UL organizations on our web site"

"I would urge you to be open in meeting new people outside the people you came to college with from high school."

"The whole college experience is what you make it."

7. Don't delay seeing your advisor during advising and when selecting a major.

"The first thing I would advise freshmen on is that no matter what their parents or any other influential persons in their lives say, they need to major in what they love and enjoy. The best paying job and all of the money in the world can't buy the happiness that comes from doing something you truly love."

"Make sure that you are studying something that makes you happy and you can see yourself doing for the rest of your life."

8. Keep on top of your financial aid - don't assume anything.

9. Take advantage of resources available to you.

Examples: Free tutoring in Lee Hall or on-linel via The Learning Center. Computer Labs.

"For any student with either physical or learning disabilities, registering with Disability Services in the conference center on Rex is an asset."

"I would say that it is a great idea to visit Junior Division in Lee Hall. There, advisors offer useful knowledge as to which classes to take, tutoring, and even career tests. These tests are computerized and can be extremely helpful to students unsure of what to major in or what to do after college."

10. Have fun, but not too much fun.

"People always say, "I'm going to go out for a little while and then I'll study when I get home." That never happens. By the time you get home, you're too tired to study. Then you begin to miss class and your grades begin to suffer. Everyone should have fun while they are in college, but the best thing to do is know when to party and when to study."

Some Additional Advice From My Previous Students:

a. "Pay attention to EVERYTHING Dr. Korcz tells you."

b. "Have fun, be safe and remember, it's never a good idea to let someone take naked pictures of you."

c. "Don't go out on the strip unless you've gotten your meningitis shot."

d. "Always carry an umbrella."

e. "No matter how many times you have been told "don't drink and drive" I can guarantee you will utter the words, "But I drive better when I'm drunk 'cause I'm more careful" or something equally ridiculous and not true. Trust me and everyone else ... you don't drive better and you will feel like quite the jackass when you kill someone else..."

f. "Find out the locations of your classes the weekend before classes begin."

g. "Watch out for boys and girls alike on bikes or scooters, because they have the right of way and will let you know it by hitting you and/or your car."

h. "When you first get to college, it can be a little overwhelming. You get lost around campus and the city if it is new to you, there are new faces everywhere, you have to deal with sharing a room with a stranger, etc. However, do not let this scare you. With time you learn your way around campus and the new city you are residing in, you start to remember faces, and you realize that sharing a room is not that bad."

i. "Blue books and scantrons can be found at the bookstores."

j. "Get plenty of sleep."

k. "Stay single so you can concentrate on at least passing."

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