Philosophy of Religion:
A Brief Guide to Dupre Library's Resources for Your Philosophy of Religion Paper


The Philosopher's Index On-line:

This is available through Dupre Library's on-line databases. Go to Dupre's Philosophy Databases page, then click on the Philosopher's Index. Each entry will indicate whether Dupre has access to the article. If Dupre lacks access, but you really want the article, you can try Google Scholar or see if you can find the author's web page at which the article might be posted.

Finding Hard-Copy Journals:

The following journals that Dupre has in hard-copy are devoted to the philosophy of religion:

Faith and Philosophy

International Journal for the Philosophy of Religion

Religious Studies BL1.R43 1971-present Full Text Journals

Many other philosophy journals publish articles in philosophy of religion as well. In hard copy, you can find most of them in the B1 section of the library. On-line, JSTOR, accessible via Dupre library, has a "Philosophy" option under its advanced search and most of those journals would be good as well.  Not everything in these areas is usable, but the vast majority are. Just make sure the article is written by a philosophy professor and intended for a professional audience.

Finding Books:

The BL51, BT102 - BT103 and BT130 - BT135 sections contains a variety of books in philosophy of religion, but some other stuff as well, so make sure the book was written by a philosophy professor.

Many books on the problem of evil are at BJ1401 and BT160, but these include some anthropology, etc., type books, so make sure the book was authored or edited by a philosophy professor.

Section BL2747.3 contains books on atheism, many written by philosophers.

Other philosophy of religion books are scattered around the library. For a general subject search in Dupre's online catalog, type "Philosophy, religion" rather than "philosophy of religion."

Sometimes it is difficult to determine if a book is by a philosophy professor. Sometimes, the back cover of the book will give a brief biography which will state the author's profession. If a book seems more concerned with the history, sociology, psychology, anthropology, etc. of religion, it probably won't be of much use to you. The book should focus on philosophical arguments. You can also google the name and see what comes up.
