111 Ethical Theory

Ethical Theory Crossword

Fill in words given the clues below. Click on number to fill in the blanks.

    1   2       3             
  5        6       7          
   9    10        11            
        13      14           
   15           16    17         
      18        19           
    20                21     
   22          23            
  24       25                


1. The rightness and wrongess of actions, persons, events, etc.
5. The branch of ethics dealing with particular actions or types of actions.
8. The view that what makes actions right or wrong is most people believing them to be so is called _____ Relativism.
10. E.g., not impartial.
12. German philosopher who invented the Categorical Imperative.
13. The philosophical study of morality.
20. Having to do with what ought to be the case.
23. Not wrong to do.
24. A justified constraint upon how others may act.
26. View which requires us to maximize the overall good.
15. Do-It-Yourself, abbrev.
16. Missing-In-Action, abbrev.
19. Being dishonest may involve telling one.


2. Wrong not to do.
3. Matches up with the way things are.
6. Theory that says what makes an action right is its being commanded by God.
7. Correlative to a right.
9. on the assumption the premises are true, the conclusion is true.
14. A NET that doesn't apply to some action fails this criterion.
21. Principle of Negative Evidence (abbrev.)
22. British philosopher who developed utilitarianism.
4. Your instructor.
25. What a good inductive argument must be.
18. What philosophy is.
11. Floats like a butterfly, stings like a bee.
17. Also your instructor.