Selected Early Poems  

by Joe Andriano

ast Confession

This priest, how can he possibly believe?
he's the same one, isn't he? yes it's he
who shut my father's eyes--how can he
this fatherly non-Father, having seen
having been my father's last sight
how can he still believe?

This hitchcock profile behind a screen
(I've seen him so many times cut
the air with rigid palms, gesture crosses
and bow to book with holy kisses)
waits and wonders why I don't start
my whisper, mumbles 'go ahead'

Bless me Father for I have masturbated
even on the night he died
coaxing myself to sleep the only way
I knew how, and what you must say now
for me to believe you're more than shadow
on screen is That was no sin, my son.

But your program is another response
exhorting me to penance, absolving me
assuring me forgiveness will be mine--
I go out among the others mumbling
humbly at the altar rail, a whispering
penance-cloud rising like incense smoke,
I kneel and conjure Dad casting for bass.


Poem of My Names

Needing to be seen as American
my Calabrian Grandpa changed his name
from Andriano to Andrews, although
in his shop he sold capacolla, prosciutto.

So I was born Joseph Andrews,
no problem for me until I changed
my college major to English and learned
of a novel entitled with my name.

In literature classes I endured the laughs
from literati who asked Are you still chaste?
Are you even real?

For years I avoided that book
and friends were disappointed I never took revenge
writing Henry Fielding by Joseph Andrews.
Instead I changed the name back: "I refuse
to be the figment of another man's muse!"

Actually it was Dad's dying wish: we sons
must undo what Grandpa had done.
And now in my more paranoid dreams
the dark suits begin the interrogation

Joe Andriano? alias Joseph Andrews?


Manic Hyena

Women often say we men are somehow
wired to control the remote
so we may still be hunters, hunting now for shows.

I find a pride of lounging lions sated from a recent kill.
I put the remote down and delight in their contented grunts
but soon they're roaring as they up and pace and suddenly
they're surrounded by manic hyenas. Sharks with legs
they overpower the pride by sheer numbers, winning
the remains of the prey. I reach for the remote but stop--
a change of scene, a lioness carrying cubs away from carnage,
finding a nook she thinks is safe but unaware
she's carried her cubs to a cobra's lair.
The snake kills them all, one by one,
and strikes the mother too.
Hyenas come and eat her dead babies,
surround her too as she lies in agony of venom and loss.

I can't take it anymore, switch it now to some innocuous
video, but can't resist the lure, switch it back.
She endures for seven days, lumbering alone, hyenas biding
their time. But she recovers, seeks her cubs, and roaring
maternal woe at the deep blue sky, rejoins her pride.



(with apologies to Walt Whitman)

I pledge allegiance to the world,
the twirling blue-white globe. I pledge
allegiance to those who speak for Earth--
and reach for Mars 
I pledge allegiance to no lord,
but to the One who spun
the spirals like Sombrero Hat--
the One to whom a nation
is no more crucial than a gnat.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of my own disposition:
one Earth, cell of deity divisible, a revised edition.

War Fervor

Unaware as ducks crossing the road, in a line,
    oblivious of braking cars
    we walk straight across the concrete
    street of conviction
    toward the safe park.

    I got a whiff of teargas in 1969
    but I've lost the will to march against or for
    I listen to my students argue back & forth
    no blood for oil but troops need our support
    I watch my neighbor put up his flag
    I want a flag, its background black
    its sign, blue-white Earth, full phase.

Written in 1991, appearing in a now radically defunct periodical--

is this poem dated now, irrelevant? I wish . . . .

Gulf War Villanelle

Mr. Bush must speak our truth.

We take his word (into our mouth)
But is our mood old doom of youth?

Camouflage is not uncouth:

 Earthy colors fit for death.
 I dare them all to speak the truth:

 Fragile flesh beneath the cloth
 Trembles like a flame-caught moth.
 Our mood is old doom of youth.

 Patriots fly up from the south
 Blocking scuds from raining death.
 We let our missiles speak our truth.

 Today our masks are not of cloth.
 But faces, alien, save our breath
 From gas, our blood from froth.

 The Gulf is black, as are sky & earth
 and flesh in trashbags, not in cloth.
 A moral war! is that our truth?
 Or is it just old doom of youth?



Don't Bury Me in a Suit

    I don't wear a suit
    I am not
    a suit
    Nothing suits me worse
    than a suit.
    I've worn one at
    all the funerals
    all the weddings
    I've ever seen
    I wore one (against
    my will) at my own
    wedding I will not
    at my own funeral.
    I will never know, of course,
    but please, dearest,
    bury me in what I've worn out--
    jeans older than a decade
    faded whiter than my beard
    Bury me in my old blue blazer
    it matches the jeans
    and I will pit my aesthetic
    sense of matching colors down
    where no light can reach.

    Thinking further on the matter
    I request that you just have me
    cremated, recreated as ashes you
    send to scatter in the wind.



    this impish tabby thinks
    the desk is hers, sits (imperial)
    on my blotter to look out
    the window (we call her
    Cinders for all her ashy grays)
    sleek though spayed she stares
    fixed on approaching Tom (a yellow wailing ball
    of muscle and obnoxious spray
    (almost as confused as the moose
    who went for that farmer's cow))
    who makes this visit every day
    though Cinders can be of no
    service to his urgent need.
    I stroke her then, she lifts her rear



    the most pleasant dreams on waking disappear
    more easily than the nightmare:
    Have you felt your brain become a fist
    clenched about your loveliest sweetest
    dreams, squeezing them into crumpled
    images, dissolving, as you get out of bed,
    into drops dripping down the sinkhole?
    it's not that i recall the nightmare's whole
    plot fabricated by my film-making brain
    it's an image that won't go down the drain
    that stays and haunts me, hunts me down,
    pops up like a spider, not overgrown
    unsubtle, but tiny, reclusive, just there
    the skull i saw as a child in the mirror.